Joshua and Tatia's Adventure with God into Missions!

Tatia: Hello everyone! I grew up in the Republic of Georgia as the youngest in a missionary family. My family has been on the mission field for 25 years. We spent 7 years in Russia, which is where I was born. When I was 3 years old, we moved to the Republic of Georgia. For the first nine grades, I was in a Georgian private school and studied English as a second language. Then I was homeschooled for the remaining years so that I could graduate with an American diploma. I am now 19 and am excited to be starting my missionary career with my husband. I am still praying to receive a more specific vision and learn how to use the passions God has given me to glorify him. I'm hoping to find some ways to work with animals, help people mentally and emotionally, or something in the emergency medical field.

Josh: Isaiah 6:8 is one of my life verses. I believe God has called me to a life of discipling Christians and sharing the gospel with unbelievers. My name is Josh Pearce. Six years ago, when I was seventeen, I felt God calling me to be a missionary. So the next year, I decided to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with a organization called Youth With A Mission also know as YWAM. I did my DTS in a small country in Eastern Europe called the Republic of Georgia. After my DTS I felt God leading me to stay on staff as a full time missionary with YWAM in the Republic of Georgia. I have been full time staff here for Almost Four years. I feel that God has given me a calling to build a community here especially among young adults. I feel like God has really started to show me how important community and fellowship are in the Christian walk.

Our Vision for 2023

Pearce Missions - YWAM Tbilisi

2023 Plan

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” - Matthew 28:19a

“And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ.”

- Ephesians 4:12 TPT


    Josh & Tatia’s calling: We are called to serve in the country of Georgia! It is a small country in East Europe on the Black Sea. We work with a Missionary organization called YWAM or Youth with a Mission! Our calling is to know and make God known! As full time YWAM staff we work as a team, are involved in a minimum of 40 hours of ministry per week, are accountable to leadership, and individually raise our own funds.

    I, Josh, have been serving in Georgia since I first came in late 2017 to take part in a five month DTS or Discipleship training school with YWAM. Tatia grew up in the mission field, specifically Georgia, as her parents have been missionaries for over twenty-five years! We have now been married and serving together since July of 2021!

Where is Georgia at spiritually?

These are statistics from the website. An interesting thing to note, both the population and evangelical percent are declining significantly… The official religion is orthodox christianity, but very few people have any sort of relationship with Jesus. It is a religion of tradition and culture not relationship.. Our Goal is to guide people into relationship with Jesus!

Our Vision:

Big Picture:

Our Heart is to see spirit filled Georgians leading spirit filled Georgian churches indigenously. We want to see a culture with a relationship with Jesus, a passionate heart of worship, and a value of community and fellowship. We have seen a great need for more community among the missionaries and foreigners in Georgia . A lot of missionaries come to Georgia, but a lot end up leaving because of burn out. We personally have experienced this burn out. It is really hard to find and organize groups of believers for worship and refreshment, especially for youth. We really feel like God is leading us to build more community to refresh the missionaries in Georgia!

For two years, we have been leading a small group, focusing on discipling our young adults into a deeper relationship with God. We feel God is now leading us into a time of expansion! For the past three months, we have been pioneering a youth group that we will be able to go out and invite people to - a place of refreshment, worship, discipleship and teaching! Alongside of that, God is now directing us to pioneer a new worship ministry as well!! We believe God uses worship to guide people into deeper relationship with Him, surrender their lives to Him, break through sin and depression, and form a deeper community with others through Him.

Small picture:

We believe God is leading us to enact this through first ministering to the missionaries and families there so that they can impart this culture of worship and community with the local Georgians. We can do this by having intentional one on one discipleship and building a culture of worship - a community who intentionally takes time to rest and intentionally worships God together.

At the beginning of each week, as YWAM staff, we gather as a team, to pray, worship, and talk about our vision and struggles. We are accountable to our team and leaders to serve a minimum of 40 hours a week. Based on our schedule, Tatia and I usually spend around 48 hours a week participating or leading ministries. Tuesday is our day of rest. Typically we do not accept any meetings or lead any ministries on Tuesdays because we believe in intentional rest. For us, intentional rest is spending time as a family in prayer, intimate worship, and intentionally giving God time to show us how we need to be refreshed, refueled, and revived. The rest of our week looks like times of ministry and times of ministry prep each day. We spend time in prayer each day, praying for our ministries, the local churches, our supporters, and our partnering churches. Each day we also spend time in worship honoring God for who He is and asking Him to pour into us so that we may pour into others.

As YWAM Leaders we currently lead and organize four different youth gatherings for the community: (1) We lead a small intimate group, aged 16 to 25, with the focus of bringing young adults together and giving them a place to find their own relationship with God. We study the Bible, have deep real conversations, and pray for each other's needs. (2-3) We also each lead a young men and young women’s fellowship group. (4) We also lead an after church fellowship group that will be transitioning into a fully equipped youth group. We love bonding with our students through game nights and taking them on different trips like hiking and camping . This allows us to go deep, help mentor them through the tough spots and pour into their walk with Christ. We also make time for 1 on 1 discipleship with our students each week.

We are also in the process of pioneering two new ministries: (1) A weekly worship ministry with the heart of cultivating a community where missionaries can receive refreshment and renewal. (2) A youth group (14-18) led and organized by a youth team (16-25) creating an opportunity for youth to step up and out into God's calling and to disciple fellow young adults. We believe God wants to work in amazing ways through this since it will give us opportunities to disciple youth and teach them how to take and start a culture of worship and community wherever they go. We believe in the importance of discipling as it talks about in Matthew 28:19a “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations” and Ephesians 4:12 TPT “ And their calling is to nurture and prepare all the holy believers to do their own works of ministry, and as they do this they will enlarge and build up the body of Christ.”

Please PRAYERFULLY consider partnering with us in these 4 ways:

  1. Adding us to your prayer team! We believe prayer is the most valuable form of support and the foundation of any ministry! Whether through email or video chat, we would love for the opportunity to partner with you in prayer by mutually praying for each other's needs.

  2. Partnering with us financially through giving monthly.  We are currently around 65% funded for 2023! Please pray about partnering with us so that we can continue to serve in the mission field as full time missionaries. Even $10, $20, or $50 a month helps a ton!

  3. Providing an opportunity for us to share about our ministry in your church when we visit.

  4. Sending us short term missions teams! We love to host teams and inspire them in their relationship with Jesus!


We work with a missions organization called YWAM or Youth With A Mission. We travel the world To Know God and Make Him Known by learning, serving, and sharing the truth of Jesus’s love.

We would love to hear from you or pray for any prayer requests you have!

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